

This is a dependency-free Vanilla JavaScript slider for vanillaJS's lover. It's lightweight (~7kb) and easy to use.

Its core workings are similar to Owl Carousel, but it doesn't require jquery. Currently it only provides some essential features of a slider and just support horizontal slider.




Include CSS file in your <head>

<link href="own-carousel.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

Include JS file in your <head>

<script src="own-carousel.min.js"></script>

HTML structure

<div class="own-carousel__container">
    <div class="own-carousel__outer">
        <div class="own-carousel">
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
            <div class="own-carousel__item">Your content</div>
    <div class="own-carousel__control">
        <button class="control__prev">«</button>
        <button class="control__next">»</button>

<!-- You have to follow this HTML structure and class name -->
<!-- own-carousel__control is optional, but if you want to have a navigation for your carousel, follow this structure, add another class and custom if you want -->
<!-- You can add another class name in "own-carousel__container" to add margin, padding, width,... for your slider -->
<!-- You can also add another class name in "own-carousel__item" to custom your carousel items -->

And call the function in your main.js (or another name 😆) after your <body> tag

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
        responsive: {
            1000: [4, 24],
            800: [3, 33],
            600: [2, 49],
            400: [1, 100]

//If you have more than 2 carousel in your page, just add another class in your "own-carousel__container" div,
//like "own-1", "own-2",... for example, and change "own-carousel__container" to "own-1", "own-2",... in querySelector.
//Don't forget to add responsive() after ownCarousel(), it's necessary for determine which responsive option is suitable after loading the page, 
//if you don't need responsive and responsive property is an empty object, then you don't need to add responsive(). You only need to call this
//function once whether you have more than 1 carousel in your page.



If you like this carousel, give me 1 star on github 🤩.


Use github to report bug.
